News Archive
Impuls talks at the EGGER Forum in St. Johann in Tirol
3rd of December of 2009

Architecture in progress hosts a new kind of discussion events which starts in early December 2009.
The key note speakers come from the fields of architecture, business and politics. The main topic of the
first event is "Are visitors attracted by architecture?"
There will be invited to speak Bibiane Hromas,
Susanne Kraus-Winkler, Arkan Zeytinoglu and Tom Lechner.

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Presentation of the "Architekturplan Wien" at the Wiener Museumsquartier
18th of  November of 2009

On Wednesday, the 18th of November, there will be presented the "Architektur Plan" at the library
Walther König at the Museumsquartier. It's an interesting book about architecture and landscape
architecture from 1900 until today. During the presentation will speak Bibiane Hromas, Iris Meder
(journalist) and Rudolf Schicker (alderman for urban development).

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The new platou newsletter 2009 is online now. erschienen.
Here you'll get to know
about the current activities and our upcoming projects.

Trendbörse Tourismus Weser - Ems in Papenburg
11th of November of 2009

Since 2001 there is being organized the Trendbörse Tourismus in the beautiful area of northern Germany.
The meeting is about current tendencies and latest developments of the tourism industry.
This year's meeting is focused on the following topics: architecture in the tourism industry, the future
hotel room, bike tourism and school and tourism.

The invited speakers come from countries and they have a different professional background.
Bibiane Hromas espouses the sensitizing regarding the topic "Architecture in the tourism industry"
and she presents among other aspects the main results of the research study
"Architecture Attracts Visitors", which was published in 2007.


Allgäuer Festwochen in Kempten, Germany
14th to 23rd of August 2009

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Allgäuer Festwochen, the initiators created a diverse program
which is a combination of economic fair and special exhibition. It covers the areas art, culture,
business, communication, sports and funfair

A circle of invited guests meet at symposia, like the day of tourism which is taking place on
the 17th of August
. This year's main focus is based on architecture of the tourism industry.
Bibiane Hromas speaks about "Architecture Attracts Visitors"
and comments all the different
positive aspects that appear when enriching an area with good architecture.


to the Festwochen

platou offers excursions to the topic architecture in the tourism industry.

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3rd International Symposium of wine-tourism
27th and 28th of May 2009

The germann winetown Iphofen/Franken has invited Bibiane Hromas to give a speech about architecture
in the tourism industry. The symposium is used to declare the importance of a proper wine
marketing strategy and the establishment of a wine tourism. The main topics are:

  • Demography – client orientation – client connectivity
  • Innovative examples and concepts regarding wine-tourism

Within the last few years many wineries gained more renownedness by implementing innovative
architectonical concepts what lead to a higher turn-out and more productivity. Therefore, to install a proper winetourism, the architecture plays one of the key roles.


Event: "Sustainable energy for the tourism industry"

25th of May 2009

AEE, syndicate of renewable energy in Lower Austria and Vienna, organizes an interdisciplinary
lounge at the Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna's first district. There, Bibiane Hromas analyzes the role
of architecture and sustainability for the tourism industry.


5 pm

Palais Niederösterreich - ecolounge
  Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien


ÖHV-Praktikerseminar "FutureHotel" - "future trends and factors of success"
05th of May 2009

The ÖHV organizes another seminar about the "future hotel". This time, it takes place at the recently
renovated hotel Lebenberg in Kitzbühel, Tirol. Bibiane Hromas gives a lecture about "Architecture
and Design of the future hotel - visions and best practice. The tourist of tomorrow has more
expectations regarding architecture and design. Also in the focus of the speech are energy efficiency,
sustainability and practicality.


Presentation at the IMC in Krems
29th of April 2009

A strong part of the education program of the Institut of
Tourism and Leisure Management
is to invite experts and professionals from the local and international tourism industry.
This semester, one of the main topics in the master course is architecture in the tourism industry.
To provide the students with detailed information about building in the tourism industry
there had been invited Bibiane Hromas and Gabriel Kacerovsky (architect). An excursion
to the neighbouring Loisium in Langenlois was used to show and examine the positive
effects and consecuences which may result from well built architecture.

Award for outstanding architecture in Innsbruck, Tirol
23rd of April 2009

This year the ISR Award will be bestowed at the faire interalpin '09 which takes place from the 22nd
to the 24th of April in Innsbruck. Around 500 exhibitors will show their products and innovations at the
worlds largest and most important specialized faire for ropeways, snowmaking machines and machinery
for snow and ice.
Bibiane Hromas is invited to be one of the jurors to award the best outstanding
architecture on the mountain.

honoured projects
Interalpin - daily news from the fair (Award at page 3)
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Seminar: "Planen und Bauen im Tourismus" / "Planning and Constructing in the tourism industry"
26th - 27th of March 2009

Together with the Arch+Ing Academy platou organizes a seminar about the topic "Planning and Constructing in Tourism". The program of the seminar is orientated to both, architects and people from the tourism industry. During the first day of the seminar the platou consulting experts platouconsult elucidate the particular sectors that have to be taken into account by building an object in the tourism industry. There will also be shown the different point of views, the theoretical and practical approaches of architcts and entrepreneurs of the tourism industry. On the 2nd day of the seminar there will take place an excursion.

The main objective of the seminar is to introduce and itemize the particular parameters that have to be considered if someone builds and designs objects in the tourism industry.



Public Hearing at the committee of tourism at the german Bundestag

11th of February 2009

The committee of tourism at the german Bundestag in Berlin has inivited several experts to a public hearing entitled: "Regionale Baukultur und touristische Vermarktung" / "Regional building culture and touristic marketing". Bibiane Hromas is one of the seven speakers.

to the announcement

Lecture at the GAM open 2009: "Space for Architecture in Tourism"
05th to 08th of February 2009

German Architect Masters 2009 (GAM)
- the Ski- and Snowboardchampionship of architects. This
year it takes place in the beautiful Kleinwalsertal. Although fun and sports are in the foreground of the
Games where around 300 architects participate, the 4 days tournament can also be used for deepening
architectural knowledge and widening the personal network.
The GAM will be opened with the congress called "5 star deluxe" where Bibiane Hromas gives a speech
about "Space for Architecture in Tourism - Architecture used as a trademark and an instrument for touristic
marketing". Furthermore, other reknown architects like Lars Teichmann, Zaha Hadid Architects, London and
Anna Worzewski and Uta Bahn, both Matteo Thun & Partners, Milan, will confer at the congress.

GAM open 2009
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Architecture and Tourism in the alpine pasture valley / Großarl January 2009
23rd of January 2009

The municipal Großarl in the austrian province Salzburg has invited Bibiane Hromas and Max Rieder (architect) to a conference of experts to speak about architecture in the tourism industry.
It's another chapter of the successful platou serie of events "Vacancy" / "Zimmer frei".

to the serie of events "Vacancy" / "Zimmer frei"

platou is now a member of the
Plattform für Baukultur und Architekturpolitik.

"Architecture makes Visitors", in Lienz (East Tyrol)
"Architecture as a trademark and an instrument of marketing"
24th of October 2008

A theme night, organized by the Kompetenznetzwerk Gesundheit Osttirol, supported by Wirtschaftskammer Tirol / Zukunftsstiftung Tirol and carried out by platou, leads Bibiane Hromas to Lienz, capital of East Tirol. There, she gives a lecture about the concepts of target group - brand - and the relation between architecture and brand.
It's an entertaining program accompanied by the pantomime Peter Appiano, live music and a tasty sideboard.


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platou Excursion in Vorarlberg
24th of September 2008 

platou guides a group of 70 norwegians through the architectural scene of the austrian province of Vorarlberg. The excursion is entitled "Tourismusarchitektur in Vorarlberg" / "Tourism Architecture in Vorarlberg".

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Lecture at the ÖHV-Praktikerseminar "future hotel" - the future of hotel business
16th of September 2008

Bibiane Hromas has held a lecture at the fafga 2008 within the ÖHV-Praktikerseminar „future hotel“ under the topic: "Architektur sells – Architektur als Marken- und Marketinginstrument" and explained how architecture promotes the economic result of the hotel industry.
The ÖHV-Praktikerseminar "future hotel" was all about the future of the hotel industry.There was shown a role model for the future hotel which was "designed" by indicating the forthcoming trends in the hotel business sector and the expectations of the different target groups in tourism - the intention was to show audience quite plainly what the guest from tomorrow expects and how the future hotel con satisfy his wishes.


Fafga 2008 - specialized faire for innovative hospitality

14th to 17th of September 2008

Bibiane Hromas performed a speech at the fafga 2008 about the topics "Destinationmanagement" and "Gastronomy on the Mountain". fafga '08 took place from the 14th to the 17th of  September 2008. During this four-days-faire the city of Innsbruck was the meeting point of experts from the hotel business industry and gastronomy. There had been special exhibitions and events carried out by the leaders of the austrian tourism industry.

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ÖHV Study "future hotel - the future of the hotel business industry" published August 2008

With articles written by DI Bibiane Hromas and Mag. Brigitte Weiss about the topic: "Architecture: Where future is present. Good architecture and sustainable constructing as factors of success - trends and best-practice-examples."



Publisher: Österreichische Hoteliervereinigung (ÖHV)

Ordering and further information

with Bibiane Hromas in the Immokurier from the 19th of July 2008


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Tourism architecture - Building culture leads to an advantage for the competing tourism destinations

  Image                 Editor: Prof. Dr. Felizitas Romeiß-Stracke, published by Erich Schmitt Verlag

With articles written by Bibiane Hromas (platou), Albrecht Steinecke, Klaus Weiermair, Harald Bodenschatz, Reinhard Schober, Dieter Pfister, Hasso Spode, Harald Pechlaner, Toni Breuer and others.

The presentation of the book took place on the 27th of May 2008, 18:00 at the gallery of architecture in Munich.

to the presentation

National Architecture Days 2008

This year’s Austrian National Architecture Days were scheduled for the 16 and 17 May 2008. platou took part in the program in Carinthia. The Wörthersee region of Carinthia was explored partly on the steamboat Thalia. On the round trip from Klagenfurt via Velden representatives from the fields of politics and economics, urban and regional planning, as well as from the fields of architecture and tourism lectured and discussed on and about the future of the region as a recreation area and living space. Bibiane Hromas also took part in the discussion; her lecture was on the topic of architecture and tourism.

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Article in the Kleinen Zeitung Kärnten


Event organized by Holzcluster Salzburg: "Architecture for visitors"

On the 29th of April 2008 there took place a specialized forum about the topic "Tourism - Architecture - Handcraft" in the city Saalfelden / Brandlhof, located in the austrian province of Salzburg.

Summary of the program:


"Zukunft im Tourismus - ohne Baukultur keine Chance?" von Prof. Dr. Felizitas Romeiß-Stracke, München

"Architektur macht Gäste" von DI Bibiane Hromas, Wien

"Touristische Projekte" von Mag. Arch. Gabriel Kacerovsky, Wien

The Holzcluster Salzburg used this event to intensify the alliance between tourism and timber industry. The visitor esteems authenticity and values the sense of wellbeing produced by wood.

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 14 February 2010 )
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